Data Structure: Unit IV : Multiway Search Trees and Graphs

Finding Shortest Path

Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Graphs | Data Structure

Dijkstra's Algorithm is a popular algorithm for finding shortest path.

Finding Shortest Path

•Dijkstra's Algorithm is a popular algorithm for finding shortest path.

• This algorithm is called single source shortest path algorithm because in this algorithm, for a given vertex called source the shortest path to all other vertices is obtained.

• This algorithm applicable to graphs with non-negative weights only.

Ex. 5.14.1 Obtain the shortest path for the given graph.

Sol. Now we will consider each vertex as a source and will find the shortest distance from this vertex to every other remaining vertex. Let us start with vertex A.

Thus the shortest distance from A to E is obtained.

that is A-B-C-E with path length = 4 +1+3 = 8 obtained by choosing appropriate source and destination.

Ex. 5.14.2 Using Dijkstra's algorithm find the shortest path from the source node A

Sol. The source node S={A}, the target nodes

P =(B, E, H, C, D}

Step 1: S = {A}

P = {B, E, H, C, D}

d(A, B)=2

d (A, H) = 4

d. (A, D) =

d(A, E)=5

d (A, C) =

The minimum distance is 2. Hence choose vertex B.

Step 2:

S {A, B}

d(A, E) = 5

d(A, H)=4

P = {E, H, C, D}

d(A, C) = 2 + 5 = 7

d (A, D)=

The minimum distance is 4. It is obtained from vertex H. Choose vertex H.

Step 3:

S={A, B, H}

d (A, E)=5.

P = {E, C, D}

d (A, C) = 4+2 = 6

d (A, D) =

Choose vertex E

Step 4:

S ={A, B, H, E}

P = {C, D}

d(A, C)=6

choose vertex C

d(A, D) = 5+3=8

Step 5:

S={A, B, H, E, C}

P = {D}

d (A, D) = 8

choose vertex D.

S={A, B, H, E, C, D}

Thus the shortest paths from single source S is as given below

Ex. 5.14.3 Implementation of Shortest Path Algorithm (Application of Graph)

Sol. :


#include <conio.h>

#define infinity 999

int path[10];

void main()


int tot_nodes,i,j,cost[10][10],dist[10],s[10];

void create(int tot_nodes,int cost[][10]);

void Dijkstra(int tot_nodes,int cost[][10], int i,int dist[10]);

void display(int i,int j,int dist[10]);


printf("\n\t\t Creation of graph ");

printf("\n Enter total number of nodes ");

scanf("%d", &tot_nodes);




printf("\n\t\t\t Press any key to continue...");

 printf("\n\t\t When Source = %d\n",i);



Dijkstra (tot_nodes, cost,i,dist);


printf("\n There is no path to %d\n",j);








void create(int tot_nodes,int cost[][10])


int i,j,val,tot_edges,count=0;






cost[i][j]=0;//diagonal elements are 0





printf("\n Total number of edges");

scanf("%d", &tot_edges);



printf("\n Enter Vi and Vj");

scanf("%d %d", &i,&j);

printf("\n Enter the cost along this edge");


cost [j][i]=val;





void Dijkstra (int tot_nodes,int cost [10][10], int source,int dist[])


int i,j,v1,v2,min_dist;

int s[10];



dist[i]=cost [source][i];//initially put the

s[i]=0; //distance from source vertex to i

//i is varied for each vertex

path[i]=source;//all the sources are put in path






v1=-1;//reset previous value of v1







min_dist=dist[j];//finding minimum distance










if(dist[v1]+cost [v1][v2] <dist[v2])









void display(int source,int destination,int dist[])


int i;


printf("\n Step by Step shortest path is...\n");



printf("%d <-",i);



printf(" The length=%d",dist[destination]);



Creation of graph

Enter total number of nodes 5

Total number of edges 7

Enter Vi and Vj 0 1

Enter the cost along this edge 4

Enter Vi and Vj 0 2

Enter the cost along this edge 8

Enter Vi and Vj 1 2

Enter the cost along this edge 1

Enter Vi and Vj 1 3

Enter the cost along this edge 3

Enter Vi and Vj 2 3

Enter the cost along this edge 7

Enter Vi and Vj 2 4

Enter the cost along this edge 3

Enter Vi and Vj 3 4

Enter the cost along this edge 8

Press any key to continue...

When Source =0

Step by Step shortest path is....

0 The length=0

Step by Step shortest path is...

1<-0 The length=4

Step by Step shortest path is...

2<-1-0 The length=5

Step by Step shortest path is...

 3<-1-0 The length=7

Step by Step shortest path is...

4<-2<-1-0 The length=8

Press any key to continue...

 When Source =1

Step by Step shortest path is...

 0<-1 The length=4

Step by Step shortest path is...

 1 The length=0

Step by Step shortest path is...

 2<-1 The length=1

Step by Step shortest path is...

3<-1 The length=3

Step by Step shortest path is...

4<-2<-1 The length=4

Press any key to continue...

When Source =2

Step by Step shortest path is...

0<-1<-2 The length=5

Step by Step shortest path is...

1<-2 The length=1

Step by Step shortest path is...

2 The length=0

Step by Step shortest path is...

3<-1<-2 The length=4

Step by Step shortest path is...

4<-2 The length=3

Press any key to continue...

 When Source =3

Step by Step shortest path is...

0<-1<-3 The length=7

Step by Step shortest path is...

 1<-3 The length=3

Step by Step shortest path is...

2<-1<-3 The length=4

Step by Step shortest path is...

3 The length=0

Step by Step shortest path is...

4<-2<-1<-3 The length=7

Press any key to continue...

When Source =4

Step by Step shortest path is...

 0<-1<-2<-4 The length=8

Step by Step shortest path is...

 1<-2<-4 The length=4

Step by Step shortest path is....

2<-4 The length=3

Step by Step shortest path is...

3<-1<-2<-4 The length=7

Step by Step shortest path is...

4 The length=0

Ex. 5.14.4 Apply an appropriate algorithm to find the shortest path from 'A' to every other node of A. For the given graph.

Sol. We will follow following steps to obtain topologically sorted list.

Step 1: S = {A}, T= {B,C,D,E}

d(A,B) 3 Min distance. select B

d(A,C) =

d(A,D) =

d(A,E) =

Step 2: S = {A, B}, T = {C, D, E}


d(A,D) = d(A,B) + d(B,D) = 3+1 = 4 select D

d(A,E) = d(A,B) + d(B,E) = 3+5=8

Step 3: S ={A, B, D}, T = {C,E}

d(A,C) = 9

d(A,E) = 8 select this

Step 4: S ={A, B, D,E}, T = {C}

d(A,C) = 9

Step 5 Thus the shortest path from 'A' to every other node

Review Question

1. Explain the various applications of graphs.

Data Structure: Unit IV : Multiway Search Trees and Graphs : Tag: : Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Graphs | Data Structure - Finding Shortest Path