Data Structure: Unit IV : Multiway Search Trees and Graphs

B+ Tree

Definition, Construction of Example Operations | Data Structure

In B+ trees from leaf nodes reference to any other node can be possible. The leaves in B+tree form a linked list which is useful in scanning the nodes sequentially.

B+ Tree

•In B-trees the traversing of the nodes is done in inorder manner which is time consuming. We want such a data structure of B-tree which will allow us to access data sequentially, instead of inorder traversing.

• Definition : In B+ trees from leaf nodes reference to any other node can be possible. The leaves in B+tree form a linked list which is useful in scanning the nodes sequentially.

• The insertion and deletion operations are similar to B-trees.

•Example : Consider following B+tree.

• From leaf node only any key can be accessed of entire tree. There is no need to traverse the tree in inorder fashion.

•Thus B+tree gives faster access to any key.

Ex. 5.2.1 Construct a B+tree for F, S, Q, K, C, L, H, T, V, W, M, R.

Sol ; The method for constructing B+tree is similar to the building of B tree but the only difference here is that, the parent nodes also appear in the leaf nodes. We will build B+tree for order 5.

The order 3 means at the most 2 keys are allowed.

Data Structure: Unit IV : Multiway Search Trees and Graphs : Tag: : Definition, Construction of Example Operations | Data Structure - B+ Tree