Physics for Information Science: Unit I: Electrical Properties of Materials

Thermal Conductivity

Definition, Unit, Formula

In metals, the conduction takes place not only by thermal motion of free electrons but also by thermally excited lattice vibrations, called phonons.


In metals, the conduction takes place not only by thermal motion of free electrons but also by thermally excited lattice vibrations, called phonons.

The total thermal conductivity

KTotal = Kelectron + KPhonon

In metals thermal conductivity due to free electrons is predominant.

KTotal =Kelectron

In insulators the thermal conductivity due to atomic (or) molecular vibrations of the lattice is more predominant.

KTotal = KPhonon

In Semiconductors both K electron and Kphonon will contribute for thermal conduction KTotal = Kelectron +KPhonon

Definition: Thermal conductivity of the material is defined as the amount of heat conducted per unit area per unit time maintained at unit temperature gradient. Unit: Wm-1 K-1

Physics for Information Science: Unit I: Electrical Properties of Materials : Tag: : Definition, Unit, Formula - Thermal Conductivity