Digital Principles and Computer Organization: Unit IV: Processor


Processor - Digital Principles and Computer Organization

We have seen various cycles involved in the instruction cycle. These fetch, decode and execute cycles for several instructions are performed simultaneously to reduce overall processing time. This process is referred to as instruction pipelining.


AU: May-07,12,13,15,16,17,19, Dec.-06,08,09,14,15,16,18, June-08,09

• We have seen various cycles involved in the instruction cycle. These fetch, decode and execute cycles for several instructions are performed simultaneously to reduce overall processing time. This process is referred to as instruction pipelining.

• To apply the concept of instruction pipelining, we must subdivide instruction processing in number of stages as given below.

S1 - Fetch (F): Read instruction from the memory.

S2 - Decode (D): Decode the opcode and fetch source operand (s) if necessary.

S3 - Execute (E): Perform the operation specified by the instruction.

S4 - Store (S): Store the result in the destination.

• Here, instruction processing is divided into four stages hence it is known as four-stage instruction pipeline. With this subdivision and assuming equal duration for each stage we can reduce the execution time for 4 instructions from 16 time units to 7 time units. This is illustrated in Fig. 7.8.1.

• In this instruction pipelining four instructions are in progress at any given time. This means that four distinct hardware units are needed, as shown in Fig. 7.8.2. These units are implemented such that they are capable of performing their tasks simultaneously and without interfering with one another. Information from the stage is passed to the next stage with the help of buffers.

Example 7.8.1 Explain the function of a six segment pipeline and draw a space diagram for a six segment pipeline showing the time it takes to process eight tasks.   AU May-07, Marks 8

Solution: Six stages in the pipeline :

1) Fetch Instruction (FI): Read the next expected instruction into a buffer.

2) Decode Instruction (DI): Determine the opcode and the operand specifiers.

3) Calculate Operands (CO): Calculate the effective address of each source operand.

4) Fetch Operands (FO): Fetch each operand from memory.

5) Execute Instruction (EI): Perform the indicated operation and store the result, if any in the specified destination operand location.

6) Write Operand (WO): Store the result in memory.

Example 7.8.2 What is the ideal speed-up expected in a pipelined architecture with 'n' stages? Justify your answer.  AU May-07, Marks 2

Solution: The pipelined processor ideally completes the processing of one instruction in each clock cycle, which means that the rate of instruction processing with n stage pipeline is n times that of sequential operation. Therefore, ideal speed-up factor is n. However, such ideal performance of the pipeline is achieved only when pipeline stages must complete their processing tasks for a given instruction in the time allotted. Unfortunately, this is not the case; pipeline operations could not sustained without interruption throughout the program execution.

Pipeline Stages in the MIPS Instructions

1. Fetch instruction from memory.

2. Read registers while decoding the instruction. The regular format of MIPS instructions allows reading and decoding to occur simultaneously.

3. Execute the operation or calculate an address.

4. Access an operand in data memory.

5. Write the result into a register.

Designing Instruction Sets for Pipelining

• From the following points we can realized that the MIPS instruction set is designed for pipelined execution.

1. All MIPS instructions are the same length. This restriction makes it much easier to fetch instructions in the first pipeline stage and to decode them in the second stage.

2. MIPS has only a few instruction formats, with the source register fields being located in the same place in each instruction. Due to this symmetry the second stage can begin reading the register file at the same time that the hardware is determining what type of instruction was fetched.

3. Memory operands only appear in loads or stores in MIPS. Due to this restriction we can use the execute stage to calculate the memory address and then access memory in the following stage.

4. Since operands are aligned in memory, data can be transferred between processor and memory in a single pipeline stage.

Pipeline Hazards

• The timing diagram for instruction pipeline operation shown in Fig. 7.8.3 (b) completes the processing of one instruction in each clock cycle. This means that the rate of instruction processing is four times that of sequential operation.

• The potential increase in performance resulting from pipelining is proportional to the number of pipeline stages. However, this increase would be achieved only if pipelined operation shown in Fig. 7.8.3 (b) could be performed without any interruption throughout program execution. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

• For many of reasons, one of the pipeline stages may not be able to complete its operation in the allotted time.

• Fig. 7.8.4 shows an example in which the operation specified in instruction 2 requires three cycles to complete, from cycle 4 through cycle 6. Thus, in cycles 5 and 6, the information in buffer B2 must remain intact until the instruction execution stage has completed its operation. This means that stage 2 and in turn, stage 1 are blocked from accepting new instructions because the information in B1 cannot be overwritten. Thus decode step for instruction and fetch step for instruction 5 must be postponed as shown in the Fig. 7.8.4.

• The instruction pipeline shown in Fig. 7.8.4 is said to have been stalled for two clock cycles (clock cycles 5 and 6) and normal pipeline operation resumes in clock cycle 7.

• Any reason that causes the pipeline to stall is called a hazard.

Types of Hazards

1. Structural hazards: These hazards are because of conflicts due to insufficient resources when even with all possible combination, it may not be possible to overlap the operation.

2. Data or data dependent hazards: These result when instruction in the pipeline depends on the result of previous instructions which are still in pipeline and not completed.

3. Instruction or control hazards: They arise while pipelining branch and other instructions that change the contents of program counter. The simplest way to handle these hazards is to stall the pipeline. Stalling of the pipeline allows few instructions to proceed to completion while stopping the execution of those which results in hazards.

Structural Hazards

• The performance of pipelined processor depends on whether the functional units are pipelined and whether they are multiple execution units to allow all possible combination of instructions in the pipeline. If for some combination, pipeline has to be stalled to avoid the resource conflicts then there is a structural hazard.

• In other words, we can say that when two instructions require the use of a given hardware resource at the same time, the structural hazard occurs.

• The most common case in which this hazard may arise is in access to memory. One instruction may need to access memory for storage of the result while another

instruction or operand needed is being fetched. If instructions and data reside in the same cache unit, only one instruction can proceed and the other instruction is delayed. To avoid such type of structural hazards many processors use separate caches for instruction and data.

Data Hazards

• When either the source or the destination operands of an instruction are not available at the time expected in the pipeline and as a result pipeline is stalled, we say such a situation is a data hazard.

• Consider a program with two ins ructions, I1followed by I2. When this program is executed in a pipeline, the execution of these two instructions can be performed concurrently. In such case the result of I1 may not be available for the execution of I2. If the result of I2 is dependent on the result of I1 we may get incorrect result if both are executed concurrently. For example, assume A = 10 in the following two operations :

I1: A ← A +5

I2: B← A×2

• When these two operations are performed in the given order, one after the other, we get result 30. But if they are performed concurrently, the value of A used in computing B would be the original value, 10, leading to an incorrect result. In this case data used in the I2 depend on the result of I1. The hazard due to such situation is called data hazard or data dependent hazard. To avoid incorrect results we have to execute dependent instructions one after the other (in-order).

Control (Instruction) Hazards

• The purpose of the instruction fetch unit is to supply the execution units with a steady stream of instructions. This stream is interrupted when pipeline stall occurs either due to cache miss or due to branch instruction. Such a situation is known as instruction hazard.

• Instruction hazard can cause greater degradation in performance than data


Unconditional Branching

• Fig. 7.8.5 shows a sequence of instructions being executed in a two-stage pipeline. The instruction I2 is a branch instruction and its target instruction is IK. In clock cycle 3, the instruction I3 is fetched and at the same time branch instruction (I2) is decoded and the target address is computed. In clock cycle 4, the incorrectly fetched instruction I3 is discarded and instruction IK is fetched. During this time execution unit is idle and pipeline is stalled for one clock cycle.

Branch Penalty: The time lost as a result of a branch instruction is often referred to as the branch penalty.

Factor effecting branch penalty

1. It is more for complex instructions.

2. For a longer pipeline, branch penalty is more..

• In case of longer pipelines, the branch penalty can be reduced by computing the branch address earlier in the pipeline.

Review Questions

1. Explain the basic concepts of pipelining.  AU: Dec.-06, 08, 09, June-08, 09, May-16, Marks 8

2. Explain basic operation of a four stage pipelining with a neat diagram.  AU: Dec.-09, May-13, Marks 16

3. Discuss the basic concepts of pipelining.  AU May-12, Marks 8

4. State the pipeline stages in the MIPS instructions.

5. Justify the statement: MIPS instructions are designed for pipelining.

6. Discuss the various hazards that might arise in a pipeline.  AU May-07, 09, Dec.-09, Marks 6

7. Define structural hazard, data hazard and control hazard.  AU: Dec.-08, Marks 2

8. Explain structural hazard.

9. Define: a. Pipeline frequency b. Clock skewing

c. Pipeline throughput

d. Speedup factor e. Pipeline efficiency f. Performance/cost ratio.

10. What is hazard? Explain its types with suitable example.  AU: Dec.-14, May-17, Marks 16

11. Explain the different types of pipeline hazards with suitable examples.  AU May-15,16, Dec.-18, Marks 16

12. Explain how the instruction pipeline works? What are the various situations where an instruction pipeline can stall? Illustrate with an example.

AU: Dec.-15, May-19, Marks 16

13. Explain how the instruction pipeline works. What are the various situations where an instruction pipeline can stall?  AU: Dec.-16, Marks 13

14. Explain the hazards caused by unconditional branching statements.  AU May-17, Marks 7

Digital Principles and Computer Organization: Unit IV: Processor : Tag: : Processor - Digital Principles and Computer Organization - Pipelining