Digital Principles and Computer Organization: Unit IV: Processor

Building a Data Path

Processor - Digital Principles and Computer Organization

The MIPS implementation includes, the datapath elements (a unit used to operate on or hold data within a processor) such as the instruction and data memories, the register file, the ALU, and adders.

Building a Data Path

AU: Dec.-14, May-15

• As shown in Fig. 7.3.2, the MIPS implementation includes, the datapath elements (a unit used to operate on or hold data within a processor) such as the instruction and data memories, the register file, the ALU, and adders.

• Fig. 7.3.1 shows the combination of the three elements (instruction memory, program counter and adder) from Fig. 7.3.2 to form a datapath that fetches instructions and increments the PC to obtain the address of the next sequential instruction.

• The instruction memory stores the instructions of a program and gives instruction as an output corresponding to the address specified by the program counter. The adder is used to increment the PC by 4 to the address of the next instruction.

• Since the instruction memory only reads, the output at any time reflects the contents of the location specified by the address input, and no read control signal is needed.

• The program counter is a 32-bits register that is written at the end of every clock cycle and thus does not need a write control signal.

• The adder always adds its two 32-bits inputs and place the sum on its output.

Datapath Segment for Arithmetic - Logic Instructions

• The arithmetic-logic instructions read operands from two registers, perform an ALU operation on the contents of the registers, and write the result to a register. We call these instructions as R-type instructions. This instruction class includes add, sub, AND, OR, and slt. For example, OR $t1, $t2, $t3 reads $t2 and $t3, performs logical OR operation and saves the result in $t1.

• The processor's 32 general-purpose registers are stored in a structure called a register file. A register file is a collection of registers in which any register can be read or written by specifying the number of the register in the file. The register file contains the register state of the computer.

• Fig. 7.3.2 shows multiport register file (two read ports and one write port) and the ALU section of Fig. 7.3.2 We know that, the R-format instructions have three register operands: numbers Two source operands and one destination operand.

• For each data word to be read from the register file, we need to specify the register number to the register file. On the other hand, to write a data word, we need two inputs: One to specify the register number to be written and one to supply the data to be written into the register.

•The register file always outputs the contents of whatever register numbers are on the Read register inputs. Write operations, however, are controlled by the write control (Reg W) signal. This signal is asserted for a write operation at the clock edge.

• Since writes to the register file are edge-triggered, it is possible to perform read and write operation for the same register within a clock cycle: The read operation gives the value written in an earlier clock cycle, while the value written will be available to a read in a subsequent clock cycle.

• As shown in Fig. 7.3.2, the register number inputs are 5 bits wide to specify one of 32 registers, whereas the data input and two data output buses are each 32 bits wide.

Datapath Segment for Load Word and Store Word Instructions

• Now, consider the MIPS load word and store word instructions, which have the general form lw $t1, offset_value($t2) or sw $t1, offset_value ($t2).

• In these instructions $t1 is a data register and $t2 is a base register. The memory address is computed by adding the base register ($t2), to the 16-bits signed offset value specified in the instruction.

• In case of store instruction, the value from the data register ($t1) must be read and in case of load instruction, the value read from memory must be written into the data register ($t1). Thus, we will need both the register file and the ALU from Fig. 7.3.2.

• We know that, the offset value is 16-bits and base register contents are 32-bits. Thus, we need a sign-extend unit to convert the 16-bits offset field in the instruction to a 32-bits signed value so that it can be added to base register.

• In addition to sign extend unit, we need a data memory unit to read from or write to. The data memory has read and write control signals to control the read and write operations. It also has an address input, and an input for the data to be written into memory. Fig. 7.3.3 shows these two elements.

• Sign extension is implemented by replicating the high-order sign bit of the original data item in the high-order bits of the larger, destination data item.

• Therefore, two units needed to implement loads and stores, in addition to the register file and ALU of Fig. 7.3.2, are the data memory unit and the sign extension unit.

Datapath Segment for Branch Instruction

• The beq instruction has three operands, two registers that are compared for equality, and a 16-bits offset which is used to compute the branch target address relative to the branch instruction address. It has a general form beq $t1, $t2, offset.

• To implement this instruction, it is necessary to compute the branch target address by adding the sign-extended offset field of the instruction to the PC. The two important things in the definition of branch instructions which need careful attention are:

  • The instruction set architecture specifies that the base for the branch address calculation is the address of the instruction following the branch (i.e., PC + 4 the address of the next instruction.

  • The architecture also states that the offset field is shifted left 2 bits so that it is a word offset; this shift increases the effective range of the offset field by a factor of 4.

• Therefore, the branch target address is given by

Branch target address = PC+4 + offset (shifted left 2 bits)

• In addition to computing the branch target address, we must also see whether the two operands are equal or not. If two operands are not equal the next instruction is the instruction that follows sequentially (PC= PC+4); in this case, we say that the branch is not taken. On the other hand, if two operands are equal (i.e., condition is true), the branch target address becomes the new PC, and we say that the branch is taken.

• Thus, the branch datapath must perform two operations : Compute the branch target address and compare the registercontents.

• Fig. 7.3.5 shows the structure of the datapath segment that handles branches.

• To compute the branch target address, the branch datapath includes a sign extension unit, shifter and an adder.

• To perform the compare, we need to use the register file and the ALU shown in Fig. 7.3.2.

• Since the ALU provides an Zero signal that indicates whether the result is 0, we I can send the two register operands to the ALU with the control set to do a subtract operation. If the Zero signal is asserted, we know that the two values are equal.

• For jump instruction lower 28 bits of the PC are replaced by lower 26 bits of the instruction shifted left by 2 bits and making two LSB bits 0. This can be implemented by simply concatenating 00 to the jump.

• In the MIPS instruction set, branches are delayed, meaning that the instruction immediately following the branch is always executed, independent of whether the branch condition is true or false. When the condition is false, the execution looks like a normal branch. When the condition is true, a delayed branch first executes the instruction immediately following the branch in sequential instruction order before jumping to the specified branch target address.

Creating a Single Datapath

• We can combine the datapath components needed for the individual instruction classes into a single datapath and add the control to complete the implementation.

• This simplest datapath will attempt to execute all instructions in one clock cycle. This means that no datapath resource can be used more than once per instruction, so any element needed more than once must be duplicated. We therefore need a memory for instructions separate from one for data. We need the functional units to be duplicated and many of the elements can be shared by different instruction flows.

• To share a datapath element between two different instruction classes, we have connected multiple connections to the input of an element and used a multiplexer and control signal to select among the multiple inputs.

Example 7.3.1 Show how to build a datapath for the operational portion of the memory-reference and arithmetic-logical instructions that uses a single register file and a single ALU to handle both types of instructions, adding any necessary multiplexers.

Solution : To create a datapath with only a single register file and a single ALU, we must support two different sources for the second ALU input, as well as two different sources for the data stored into the register file. Thus, one multiplexer is placed at the ALU input and another at the data input to the register file. Fig. 7.3.6 shows the operational portion of the combined datapath.

• We can make a simple datapath for the core MIPS architecture by adding the datapath for instruction fetch, the datapath from R-type and memory instructions, and the datapath for branches as shown in the Fig. 7.3.7.

Review Questions

1. Draw and explain the datapath to implement instruction fetch and PC increment operations.

2. Draw and explain the datapath segment for arithmetic-logic instructions.

3. Draw and explain the datapath segment for load word and store word instructions.

4. Draw and explain the datapath segment for computation of branch target address.

5. Explain the structure of the datapath segment that handles branches with the help of block diagram.

6. Draw and explain the simple combine datapath for the MIPS architecture.

7. Explain data path in detail.  AU: Dec.-14, Marks 8

8. What are R-Type instructions?  AU May-15, Marks 2

Digital Principles and Computer Organization: Unit IV: Processor : Tag: : Processor - Digital Principles and Computer Organization - Building a Data Path