Digital Principles and Computer Organization: Unit IV: Processor

Basic MIPS Implementation

Processor - Digital Principles and Computer Organization

In this chapter we will see the implementation of a subset of the core MIPS instruction set.

Basic MIPS Implementation

AU: Dec.-15,18, May-19

• In this chapter we will see the implementation of a subset of the core MIPS instruction set. These instructions are divided into three classes :

  • The memory-reference instructions: load word (lw) and store word (sw)

  • The arithmetic-logical instructions: add, sub, AND, OR, and slt

  • The branch instructions: branch equal (beq) and jump (j)

•The subset considered here does not include all the integer instructions (for example, shift, multiply, and divide are missing), nor does it include any floating-point instructions. The key principles used in creating a datapath and designing the control are discussed here. The implementation of the remaining instructions is somewhat similar.

•For implementing every instruction, the first two steps are same:

1. Fetch the instruction: Send the Program Counter (PC) contents (address of instruction) to the memory that contains the opcode and fetch the instruction from that memory.

2. Fetch operand(s) : Read one or two registers, using fields of the instruction to select the registers to read. For the load word instruction, we need to read only one register, but most other instructions we require to read two registers.

•The remaining actions required to complete the instruction depend on the instruction class. For each of the three instruction classes (memory-reference, arithmetic-logical and branches), the actions are mostly the same, independent of the exact instruction. This shows that the simplicity and regularity of the MIPS instruction set simplifies the implementation by making the execution of many of the instruction classes similar.

•For example, all instruction classes, except jump, use the Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALU) after reading the registers.

  •Memory-reference instructions use the ALU for an address calculation

  •Arithmetic-logical instructions use the ALU for the operation execution and

  •Branches use the ALU for comparison.

•After using the ALU, the actions required to complete various instruction classes are not same.

  •A memory-reference instruction needs to access the memory either to read data for a load or write data for a store.

  •An arithmetic-logical or load instruction must write the data from the ALU or memory back into a register.

  •A branch instruction may need to change the next instruction address based on the comparison; otherwise, the PC should be incremented by 4 to get the address of the next instruction.

•Fig. 7.2.1 shows the block diagram of a MIPS implementation, showing the functional units and interconnection between them.


• The program counter gives the instruction address to the instruction memory.

• After the instruction is fetched, the register operands required by an instruction are specified by fields of that instruction.

• Once the register operands have been fetched, they can be used to compute a memory address (for a load or store), to compute an arithmetic result (for an integer arithmetic-logical instruction), or a compare (for a branch).

• If the instruction is an arithmetic-logical instruction, the result from the ALU must be written to a register.

• If the operation is a load or store, the ALU result is used as an address to either store a value from the registers or load a value from memory into the registers. The result from the ALU or memory is written back into the register file.

• Branches require the use of the ALU output to determine the next instruction address, which comes either from the ALU (where the PC and branch offset are summed) or from an adder that increments the current PC by 4.

• Fig. 7.2.1 shows that data going to a particular unit is coming from two different sources. For example, the value written into the PC can come from one of two adders, the data written into the register file can come from either the ALU or the data memory, and the second input to the ALU can come from a register or the immediate field of the instruction. The selection of appropriate source is done using multiplexer (data selector). The multiplexer selects from among several inputs based on the setting of its control lines. The control lines are set based primarily on information taken from the instruction being executed. This is illustrated in Fig. 7.2.2.

• Fig. 7.2.2 also shows the control unit, which has the instruction as an input, is used to determine the control signals for the functional units and two of the multiplexers.

• The third multiplexer, which determines whether PC+4 or the branch destination address is written into the PC, is set based on the Zero output of the ALU, which is used to perform the comparison of a beq instruction.

Review Questions

1. Draw and explain the functional block diagram for implementation of MIPS subset.

2. Draw and explain the function block diagram with control signals for basic implementation of MIPS subset.

3. Explain the basic MIPS implementation with necessary multiplexers and control lines. AU: Dec.-15, May-19, Marks 16

4. Write the two steps that are common to implement any type of instruction.

AU: Dec.-18, Marks 2

Digital Principles and Computer Organization: Unit IV: Processor : Tag: : Processor - Digital Principles and Computer Organization - Basic MIPS Implementation